Friday, July 25, 2008

101 Things in 1001 Days

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

I happened to stumble upon this website while surfing some websites the other day and thought that the 101 things in 1001 days would be a fantastic thing to do. I recently got married and discovered that I suddenly have a bunch of time available and need to set some goals.

After a lot of thinking and researching others lists I have come up with my own:

Start Date: July 25,2008
Finish Date: April 22, 2011

Task Not Yet Started
Task in Progress
Task Completed

1. Host 10 dinner parties (0/10)
2. Host a Mimosa Lunch
3. Visit both sets of parents once per month
4. Have a hot stone cooking party
5. Invite family over for supper 10 times (0/10)
6. Call a friend in a different location once a week just to chat

7. Pay off Mastercard & American Express
8. Save $1 per day for 1001 days
9. Have 10 no spending days per month

Health & Fitness
10. Train for and run a 5 Km
11. Go to the Doctor for a physical
12. Go to the dentist
13. Reach Goal Weight
14. Go to the Gym at least 3 times a week for a month
15. Drink only water for 2 weeks
16. Go Skiing with Tony

17. Graduate from University
18. Start Small Business #1
19. Research Small Business #2
20. Update Resume
21. Apply for Full time job

Home & Organization
22. Paint the house
23. Decorate our bedroom
24. Develop an organization system for all my paperwork
25. Develop an organization system for all my recipes
26. Organize the craft room/ guestroom
27. Backup my computer once every 2 months
28. Sort through all the music on itunes
29. Make a list of 15 items to do around the house and finish it in a weekend
30. Create a Home book - household inventory, floor plan, color chart, maintenance,
31. Organize the laundry room so that it never looks like it does now.

32. Take 5 Mini breaks with Tony
33. Take a girls only road trip
34. Visit NYC
35. Visit Scotland
36. Visit Italy and speak Italian with the relatives
37. Go on a vacation with Shayla
38. Go on a vacation with my mom
39. Go on a vacation with Chelsey
40. Go camping with Tony

41. Make a list of my top 100 movies (0/100)
42. Watch all 100 movies
43. See 4 Musicals/Theater Productions with Tony
44. Watch every episode of Sex and the City
45. Read 50 books (0/50)

Random Acts of Kindness
46. Give a surprise gift to someone
47. Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru

49. A new laptop
50. A Designer Handbag
51. A pair of Designer Shoes
52. One item from Tiffany

53. Learn to speak Italian
54. Successfully grow and maintain a plant for 3 months
55. Learn to play guitar
56. Learn how to properly use photoshop
57. Learn how to properly use lightroom

Just Cuz
58. Write 100 things that make me happy (0/100)
59. Write 50 things that I like about myself (0/50)
60. Get my first tattoo
61. Get drunk on a beach
62. Buy a nice anniversary gift for my husband
63. Write & send all wedding thank you cards
64. Have a garage sale
65. Buy a Christmas Tree & Decorate it for each Christmas we're at home
66. Leave Tony a love note once a month
67. Recycle all paper & cans

68. Make a wedding shadow box
69. Keep a 1 sentence journal for a year
70. Participate in the 365 experiment
71. Scrapbook/ make a photo book of the 365 experiment
72. Create and maintain a blog throughout the duration of the 1001 days
73. Start an Idea File
74. Make Boudoir Photo book
75. Make Wedding Photo book
76. Make Trash the Dress Photo book
77. Build a Snowman
78. Carve pumpkins for Halloween
79. Decorate the house for the different seasons/holidays
80. Create a piece of art to be displayed in our house

81. Consume No Fast Food for a Month
82. Organize a Cookie Exchange
83. Bake and deliver goodies to 5 people at Christmas
84. Make homemade pasta
85. Find a good bread recipe through trial and error
86. Make a souffle
87. Cook at home at least 5 times per week
88. Make sushi
89. Take advantage of the Farmers Market and cook food that's in season
90. Make a Tastebook
91. Make a multi-course meal for 2 other couples
92. Try 30 new restaurants around the world
93. Make Croissants from scratch
94. Bake Bagels
95. Plant a garden

Reserved for Later ( Must be added by...)
96. December 31,2008
97. December 31, 2008
98. December 31, 2009
99. December 31, 2009
100.December 31, 2010
101.December 31,2010

1 comment:

Caffeinated Weka said...

I saw your first goal and saw that it was similar to one of mine ... but 10 times the quantity - wow! I am in awe. All the best with your list - it's very inspiring.