Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I've decided that I'm not the best blogger... I keep meaning to write updates, but some how get side tracked.

I'm actually made quite a bit of progress since writing my list . I've also realized that I start a lot of things and leave them half finished.

Now, onto the list...

2. Visit both sets of parents once per month

This is a work in progress. Tony, Shayla and I managed to go visit my parents for a delicious dinner one sunday. It was more like we had to go because they broke their computer and needed Tony's expertise.

It was a good thing we went though. My mom missed me while we were in Hawaii. She definitely needed to talk to someone other than my dad or brother.

We haven't had a chance to go to Tony's parents yet because his dad is over at our house almost everyday helping with concrete and the newest addition to our yard... the deck!

3. Call a friend in a different location once a week just to chat

We'll it would seem that I kind of suck at this goal. It's been almost a month since I first posted my list and I've managed to call two people and I'm pretty proud of that fact. I generally hate the phone and don't answer when it rings, so this is good for me!

7. Pay off MC & AMEX

This goal sucks.... The AMEX is getting paid off more quickly than my MC, but it's coming along! I've definitely made progress, but have a long way to go.

8. Save $1 per day for 1001 days

I haven't actually done this at all. I kind of forgot about it but vow to start immediately.

More updates to follow!

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